Grants News


The Finnish Science Foundation for Economics and Technology KAUTE-awards grants for research in technology and economics. The Foundation’s objective is to promote the sustainable renewal of Finnish business and society. Grants are targeted for PhD students and young postdoc researchers. The call for grant applications will open from January 10 to January 31, 2019.

In 2018–2020, the foundation will particularly be supporting research in new fields combining economics and technology. These are, for example, cleantech, finance technology, e-health, e-learning, digital production technologies, and the application of artificial intelligence and blockchain.


Grants will be awarded for the following purposes:

1) to cover travel, research or publishing costs, up to a maximum of 5 000 euros

2) working grants for young researchers: 6 000 euros (3 months), 12 000 euros (6 months) and 22 000 euros (12 months)

In addition, grants are awarded for researcher exchanges at top foreign universities through two separate calls for applications. The Tutkijat maailmalle grants can be applied for in March and the Fulbright grants in May and December.

Applying for grants happens through KAUTE’s grant service, which is open during the application period. Paper applications will not be considered. Applications must arrive by the end of the application period 31.1.2019 at 23.59.

The Foundation primarily awards grants for PH.D. studies and for young postdoc researchers. Grants can be awarded to Finnish citizens, communities or workgroups. International scholars that have established strong ties with Finnish universities are also eligible. Applicants are usually required to have a business or engineering degree or experience from these fields.

More information on grants.