
Supporting research
that changes the world

KAUTE Foundation supports research in economics and technical sciences and the dissemination of research results.

KAUTE in brief

We support the best researchers in the field to produce results that reach not just the scientific community, but also businesses and decision-makers. Our aim is to help Finnish society and businesses to reform economically, socially and ecologically in a sustainable way.


7,2 million €

granted in 2013–2023



awarded grants in 2013–2023


6.1 %

annual average return on capital in 2013–2023

Researchers abroad grant call

Are you planning a research visit to a university or research institution abroad?

The joint Researchers Abroad grant call by KAUTE Foundation, the Foundation for Economic Education, Walter Ahlström Foundation and Nokia Foundation for international research visits in business and technical sciences is open from March 1 to April 11, 2025.

nokia design archive opened its doors with the help of kaute foundation

Nokia Design Archive Opened Its Doors to Everyone with Support from the KAUTE Foundation

Scentless and tasteless can still be of cultural and historical value. Behind what seems like an ordinary door lies a unique archive, assembled under the leadership of Aalto University’s Professor of Design, Anna Valtonen.


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