Grants News

20 researchers received travel grants to top universities in the Researchers Abroad program

In the spring Researchers Abroad grant call, travel grants were awarded to 20 researchers. A total of 418,420 euros was granted. There were 80 applicants this year, meaning one in four applicants received a grant.

“As usual, the researchers’ destinations include top universities worldwide. It is gratifying that the interest in internationalization among researchers has remained high, as seen in the number of applications,” says Tuomas Olkku, Executive Director of the KAUTE Foundation.

The funded researchers work with various topics, such as smart business, robotics, materials technology, machine learning, and sustainability issues like circular economy and energy storage.

The Researchers Abroad program is funded by the KAUTE Foundation, the Foundation for Economic Education, the Walter Ahlström Foundation, and the Nokia Foundation.

See all grant recipients here