Grants News

The grant call for research in business and technical sciences opens Jan 2, 2024

The application period for KAUTE Foundation’s research grants will be open Jan 2 through Jan 31, 2024. The grants are awarded for research and teaching development in business and technical sciences.

KAUTE Foundation’s general grant call is open through January. PhD researchers and postdoc researchers in the early stages of their careers can apply for the grants. By supporting ambitious research, the foundation’s goal is to help Finnish society and companies to renew in an economically, socially and ecologically sustainable way.

In the spring application round the following grants are awarded:

1) Working grants for PhD researchers and young postdoc researchers for full-time work. Not more than five years may have passed since the applicant’s doctoral dissertation. A working grant can also be awarded for the development of university education in economics and technology.

2) Grants to cover the research costs. Funding is not granted for Open Access publications.

The foundation’s grants for longer-term research exchange and travel expenses can be applied for later in the spring through the Tutkijat maailmalle -program and Fulbright Finland’s programs.


During fall 2023 we updated the foundation’s strategic themes. In 2024–26, our operations will be guided by the following three themes: supporting development through digitalization, accelerating the sustainability transition, and a diverse and just future. We hope for applications especially from researchers whose work is related to these themes. Themes are not exclusive. You are welcome to participate the call even though your research is not directly related to mentioned themes.

  • Supporting development through digitalization: Digitalization shapes society and the business operating environment across industries. Digitalization creates new solutions to society’s challenges but it also raises new questions. How to evaluate the new environmental burden caused by digitalization, while pursuing carbon neutrality and resource efficiency? How to ensure that everyone is included in the digital transformation? Who owns the data and what are the rules for its use?
  • Accelerating the sustainability transition: The earth’s carrying capacity is not sufficient to sustain our current lifestyles. The climate crisis, the rapid loss of biodiversity and the scarcity of resources require quick and sustainable solutions so that our planet can remain habitable and provide a humane living environment for future generations as well. In addition to reducing harmful environmental effects, the focus needs to be on repairing the damage already done. We need a fast transition from a fossil economy to a regenerative economy, in which more is returned to the planet than taken from it. The goal is for people to live within the limits of available resources without endangering the well-being of future generations.
  • A diverse and just future: Digitalization and the sustainability transition require us to pay attention to the fairness and equality aspects of the changes – both in Finland and globally. Some professions and industries will likely disappear, but the transitions will also help new opportunities arise. Ability to learn and to adopt new skills are much needed capital both for nations and individuals. Finland needs international experts. Society and the working life are increasingly multicultural and diverse. New knowledge is often created at the intersections of research fields, which is why it is important to increase dialogue across research fields and industries.

Other priority areas

A few special funds that are part of the foundation award grants for particular research fields. The applicant does not have to address their grant application to a specific fund, the foundation will do this for the applicant.

The Aimo Puromäki’s special fund awards grants for research and teaching in the energy sector, especially for the sustainable development of clean energy production and energy technology.

The Eeva-Liisa Hirvisalo special fund awards grants for research in the sustainable commercial and technical utilization of indigenous natural materials.

The Niilo V. and Lauri N. Santasalo special fund awards grants for research in clean technology processes and infection control in the fields of biotechnology, pharmacy and healthcare. Water technology research grants will be awarded in a separate water technology research call in the fall of 2024.

How to apply 

Read the grant applicant’s instructions carefully. Applications and the necessary attachments need to be submitted through the foundation’s grant system by 11:59 p.m. on January 31, 2024. We do not process late applications.